Patch 1.8.3 lands on Temtem!
Important notice We've adjusted the way Spectator mode and the Skip Animations setting worked: An spectator can't have Skip Animati...
The road well-traveled: Patch 1.8 and all its meaning
Hey there, Tamers! We just reached 2.000.000 accounts on Temtem, which is an impossibly big number for us to fathom! As we achieve this mile...
Patch 1.8.2
Important notice The day for the Competitive Season change has been moved from 23/12 to 6/01. New Stuff A new pop-up message has b...
Patch 1.8.1 is now live!
New Stuff We've added a visual indicator on the Saipark UI that lets you know when you've done your weekly Luma capture. This way it'll...
Patch 1.8 is here to revolutionize the world of Temtem!
Important notice The focus on this patch was to make Temtem more enjoyable in a more casual way, putting aside our long-held fears that ha...
Patch 1.7.1 is live!
Important notice We have corrected the issue preventing players on consoles from making purchases with Feathers instead of Novas. All c...
Dance under the neon lights in patch 1.7, live now!
Important notice KNOWN ISSUE FOR CONSOLES: You won’t be able to use Feathers to purchase items from the Store until 1.7.1. This bug has be...
Take a sneak peek at patch 1.7, launching in early June!
Hello again, Tamers! As we approach the launch date for patch 1.7, it’s time for us to share some of the content planned for it! As usual, r...
Patch 1.6.2
Improvements We’ve added the character name and TamerID to the section in Settings where you could check your Support ID. 👥We’ve c...
Patch 1.6.1
IMPROVEMENTS 👥We’ve made some improvements to Replays: Renamed Tems now will display their nickname instead of the species name. ...
Patch 1.5.2
Balance Highlighted Changes Temtem #065 – Hedgine Binary Flood has been removed from its move pool. Token has been added to its move poo...
Patch 1.5.1
New stuff The Ignoramus Cloack is no longer a unique item! You'll be able to obtain a second one in the Pansun route. Improvements We'v...