This is an archive of patch notes originally posted on 07 Jun 2024.


Icarus Week 131 Update | New Automated Pistol Turret

Posted by Shamm on

This week we’re introducing the winner of our Discord Poll - the Automated Defense System: Pistol.

The new Turret packs a wallop, with a 400-round chamber, 120 degrees of horizontal rotation and a 50m max range.

This Week: Turret

The new ‘Automated Defense System: Pistol’ is a powerful new Turret system for you to deploy in defence of your base.

It sports a 50m max range, five rotation degrees per second, a two-second cool down between shots, 45 degrees of vertical rotation (pitch), and 120 degrees of horizontal rotation. It consumes 3000 power while in action and 1500 while sitting idle, so make sure to keep it supported by a robust power network.

For this powerful defense system, there is a large cost to match. You’ll need eight Titanium Plate, 12 Electronics, 12 Composites, 12 Aluminum Plate, one Pistol, 20 Steel Screws and 12 Copper Wire.

The Automated Defense System: Pistol is your ‘all-rounder’ defense system that fires a steady stream of pistol rounds, helped by its massive 400-round capacity.

The lights on the bottom of the Turret indicate its ammo and targeting status. Red reflects a Turret that is out of ammo, blue if it is stocked with ammo and yellow/orange if honing in and firing on a target.

Additionally, there are lights on the side of the turret to give you a visual cue of the Turret's ammo supply. High ammo counts shine a vibrant light green, reducing in brightness as the Turret burns through its clip before transitioning to orange and then red as it gets critically low. Once it hits full red, that means you're entirely out of ammo and need to resupply.

Mineable Rocks Optimization Setting

Continuing our work on late game hitching, we’re introducing some new fixes, changes and settings that allow more control for players.

But before we get into it, here’s a quick reminder of how the mineable rock voxels in Icarus work:

A stone that has not been mined is a single mesh, while a partially mined stone can be composed of multiple meshes. The larger the stone, the more meshes required. Large stone voxels tend to be placed in world with roughly 30% of the stones entire volume underground so they blend in naturally with the landscape. This does mean however that multiple meshes are left behind when all the visible stone has been mined, leaving a substantial amount of these meshes across Open World prospects which have been active for some time.

Information about these mined meshes has to be communicated from the server to the client, and then streamed in for each player as they move around the world and new landscape tiles are loaded in. Each of these is another multiplier to the strain on CPU/GPU created by the ever expanding number of un-mined meshes.

With that in mind, the changes this week are focused on limiting this impact by giving players more control over how stone voxels are loaded in their prospects.

A new option has been added to the settings menu that will reload all stone voxels to an ‘un-mined’ single mesh state on persistent prospects during load. This has the restriction of only automating this reloaded state if there are no buildings or deployables in the immediate area. This setting will also be enabled by default.

The settings can be found as follows:

For hosts and local players:
Settings > Gameplay Options > Large Stones Respawn

For dedicated servers:
ServerSettings.ini > LargeStonesRespawn=True

Next Week: CHAC Pistol

Next week, we’ll be introducing the runner-up in our Discord Poll - the CHAC Pistol. Thank you to everyone for voting in our first-ever poll of this kind.

Your support makes these updates possible.

Changelog v2.2.6.123616

New Content
[expand type=details]
  • Unlock Turret for release
  • Initial branch of files from Trunk to 2.2.6-Release #unlimitedpower
  • Updating Branchmap.json with new release stream info
  • Hooked up brown laika trophies
  • Added second darker variant of the Laika trophies
  • Adding Dark Brown Laika Dog, Workshop Item, Items, AI Setup etc

[expand type=details]
  • Fix an intermittent issue with unminable voxels on clients where the voxel has been marked no longer net relevant on client resume
  • Improved skinning on the ghillie suit chest piece to remove stretching while aiming
  • Removed flyaway grass strands from the ghillie head piece
  • Update recipes to support butchery benches
  • Fix a tri-state ambigutiy with voxels being unmined/partially mined/fully mined (Zeb)
  • Increased the basic pistol round damage from 100 -> 150

Future Content
[expand type=details]
  • Submitting change to UnrealGameSync.ini
  • Fixed and increased CHAC Pistol crafting cost
  • Added text for CHAC pistol
  • Add spider loot, bestiary traits, experience and additional combat stats