This is an archive of patch notes originally posted on 08 Mar 2024.


Icarus Week 118 Update | Improvements and Balances to Resource Network

Posted by Shamm on

Welcome to week 118. We’re continuing our work on the Resource Network update from last week, with a bunch of fixes and balances added, along with a few new features that we mentioned were going to be in this week's update.

We’ve also got some info on next week's update, and some mission fixes that were needed to address the impacts of the new Resource Network.

Hop in and have a read.

Notable Improvements:

  • Added Total Growth Speed indicator to Crop Plot inspection UI
  • Fixed railing orientation on all floor pieces so now railings will be the correct orientation (especially on stairs)
  • Fixed issue with Water Troughs where the water would not appear in the mesh when it contained water
  • KILL LIST / FRACTURE: Fixed Decals not removing grass, these should be much easier to find
  • Fixed Processor recipe icons width, now correctly has 7 across again. Auto processors now have 3 across
  • Improved UI prompts and tooltips for dirt mounts, noxious crusts and red exotics, as part of continued efforts to improve the new player experience
  • Update Olympus and Styx weather events to use Prometheus-style scaling weather, with more varied modifiers and less reduced movement speed
  • Added an inspect option to powered devices without inventories, such as solar panels, wind turbines and batteries

This week: Resource Networks Update

As mentioned last week, this week we’re focusing on bug fixes, balances and improvements to the new Resource Network, such as:
  • Fixed a case where water networks and electrical networks could be joined leading to issues where people could fill their batteries up with water
  • Added the ability to turn devices on and off using the Resource Network Inspector window. To use, expand a ‘device group’ and click the connection icon to toggle the device
  • Fixed the Resource Network Inspection Window getting stuck showing 'Gathering Info' on clients if it was opened twice, in situations when no values on the network had changed since it was previously opened (Deployed in Hotfix last week)
  • Removed collision from spline pucks, fixing players ‘bobbing’ as they walk over wires
  • Replaced Resource Network Inspector summary with a visual flow indicator. This should be a bit more clear about which direction and to which devices the flow is going
We’ve introduced the feature where power and water output fluctuate based on the current storm:
  • Wind Turbines now generate more power during most types of storms, with the maximum power output during wind storms. Snow, sand and ash storms will slow them instead. When generating more than 100% of their base power level they’ll take damage over time based on the generated power, but cannot be destroyed by this damage. Wind Turbine output is reduced based on their remaining durability.
  • Solar Panels have been buffed to produce 6000 power. They now generate slightly reduced power during most storm types but will not receive any damage from those storms, they even get an output boost during the swamp’s “clearing winds” storms!
  • Generators output slightly less power in heatwaves
  • Waterwheels generate more power while it’s raining but less during ash or snow storms.
  • Waterpumps and water borers have reduced water flow during snow, and a little less during hail and heatwaves
These changes are to encourage diversity in energy networks and will evolve based on feedback and community interactions. We’ll be closely monitoring over the coming weeks to ensure the best gameplay experience.

This week: Mission Fixes

We’re also introducing a couple of mission fixes this week: unintended collateral impacts of the Network Resource Update.

VOYAGER: Increased power storage requirements
  • The energy network patch reduced the requirement from 1 hour to 6 minutes. We increased this to require 1 hour with a generator, but allow you to connect 2 generators (max 10,000 flow) to reduce the time to 30 minutes
VERTIGO: Fixed laser not being self-powered
  • The energy network patch incorrectly added power requirements to the laser, blocking mission completion

Next Week: Brambles - A New Base Defense

Next week, we’ll be adding a new type of base defense - Brambles. These can be grown in crop plots and harvested when fully grown, to be placed around your base to serve as a natural base defense. The lack of base defense has been a prickly topic, so we’re glad to be adding something to the crafting pool.

Originally posted by author:

If you like what we’re doing with Icarus, and want to support our continued development, consider purchasing one of our DLCs for a few dollars, it would mean a lot to us.

Changelog v2.1.21.120319

[expand type=details]
  • Added the ability to inspect certain devices that do not have inventories (such as solar panels and wind turbines).
  • Added a small boost to speed for Wind Turbines for any storms other than heatwaves and embers.
  • Fixed Wind Turbines not receiving increased speed in Desert Wind.
  • Increased Solar Panel power generation to 6000.
  • Increased Water Wheel power generation during rain storms.
  • Renamed duplicate desert storm and scaled desert weather events correctly in new storm modifier system.
    Reduced impact of weather on Solar Panels (Rain, Sand and Snow) and Generators (Heatwaves).
  • Fixed internal mission note
  • Fixed UNIAO typos in multiple prospects
  • Fixing the fix - disabled collision on shadow geo filler cube
  • Filled in hole in shadow geo that was causing light shining through
  • Removed replication from the nearbydeployable actors and moved logic of 'cache nearby deployables' to its sub class to avoid logic happening in space
  • Fixed typo in Beehive Extractor optional power text
  • Fixed Prometheus Cave Ground Collision on Blue Quad
  • Fixed Geyser Rotation on Outpost_005
  • Fixed Typo in Berserker talent name
  • Noxoius Crust and Volatile Red Exotics now mention the Organic Residue Cleanser
  • Noxious Crust (Bauxite) renamed to Noxious Crust (Aluminium) to match in-game name
  • Added Total Growth Speed indicator to Crop Plot inspection UI
  • Fixed thatch Stairs railing directions and checked all others to make sure they were also oriented the correct way
  • Fixed Fiber Crop collision
  • Fixed railing orientation on all floor pieces
  • Added Water Crop Plot in-world UI prompt to Dirt Mounds that have been planted
  • Replaced Resource Network Inspector summary with a visual flow indicator. This should be a bit more clear about where the flows are actually going
  • Fixing issue with Water Troughs where the water would not appear in the mesh when it contained water
  • Fixed Advanced Masonry Bench not having a water connection
  • KILL LIST / FRACTURE: Fixed Decals not removing grass, these should be much easier to find
  • Fixed Processor recipe icons width, now correctly has 7 across again. Auto processors now have 3 across
  • Changed gghost logo to new logo
  • Fixed case where water networks and electrical networks could be joined
  • VOYAGER: Increased power storage requirements
  • Updated Battery Rack descriptions to mention the batteries are inside the rack already
  • Added the ability to turn devices on and off using the Resource Network Inspector window. Expand a device group and click the connection icon to toggle the device
  • Fixed Resource Network Inspection Window getting stuck showing 'Gathering Info' on clients if opened twice when no values on the network have changed since it was previously opened
  • Removed collision from spline pucks, fixing players bobbing as they walk over wires
  • Adding On Off Switch audio to be played for new battery behavior
  • Changed devices to be able to specify a device flow without requiring a resource network connection
  • Added storage type and flow rates to T2 Rain Reservoir and Basic Oxite Dissolver to allow those to store resources again
  • Adding Visible Debuffs on Fridges, Deep Freeze, Lights, Cooler, Heater, Dehumidifers and adjusted modifier display and application rate
  • Added Assign Priority button prompt to network inspect screen
  • Fix Shaggy Zebra AI growth, as a result these will be much easier to hunt

Future Content
[expand type=details]
  • Adding Multicast to bramble blueprint to replicate audio to clients
  • Removed some ICARUS_API definitions from GOAP related classes
  • Adjustments and fine tunes for the bramble item
  • Added SK_ITM_Sheep_Sheers
  • Adding first pass CHAC shotgun audio and data table entries
  • Ashland story mission: Increased range and added starting quest area
  • Added DEP_Chicken_Coop_Rustic and DEP_Chiccken_Coop_Royal
  • Added sleep duration and effectiveness curves for future comfort feature
  • Added Animal Companion Icons to data table
  • Adding howl events for mange wolf alpha and mange wolf. Separating animations and montages so unique sound can be used for both
  • Adding mange wolf howl event
  • Adding unique ammo load, pump in and out sounds for chac shotgun. Also some to be applied to T4 shotgun. Adding animation data
  • Added Polar Bear to Prometheus section of Field Guide
  • Adding Burlap, Heated, Royal, Snow Leopard and Wolf animal beds
  • Added ITM_Sickle_SHEN var02
  • Added ITM_Sickle_SHEN
  • Added DEP_Animal_Bed_Burlap, Heated, Royal, Snow Leopard Fur and Wolf Fur
  • Adding mange wolf idle events and audio and data table setups
  • Submitting Sheep bones an textures
  • Fixing the Turret Audio in BP for being powered on and off due to change in power system. Also fixed replication of adding ammo for clients
  • Updated ITM_Sickle_SHEN_Var02 material
  • Adding Shengong Sickle 01 / 02
  • Setup Skulmutt scaling and creature AI setup
  • Reduced Dribbo max level health
  • Adding mange wolf rest / sleep snore audio and adding unique mange alpha wolf footstep event and data table entry
  • AI Setup for Ice Mammoth Boss
  • Adding Sheep Shears, Chicken Coops, Recipes & Blueprints and Setup
  • Adding sheep idle and death audio and events. Committing to trunk to be added when Mount Levelling is merged
  • Added storms affecting solar panels, wind turbines and water flow (currently dev locked)