This is an archive of patch notes originally posted on 22 Feb 2024.


Icarus Week 116 Update | NEW Trench Shotgun that packs a wallop

Posted by Shamm on

Week 116 is here, and it packs a punch, with the new Trench Shotgun added to the game.

A Tier 4 variant, the Trench Shotgun is our most powerful close-range damage dealer to date.

We’ve also got a rebalance and improvement on the Shotgun damage/ammo system, and some long-awaited news on Batteries and Networks.

Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements:

  • Added a setting to disable camera movement & rotation when interacting with deployables
  • Fixed Honey Smoked Bacon not benefiting from Carnivore talent
  • Mission OASIS: Fixed collection step requiring collection of a lure that is now developer locked, preventing mission progress. Replaced with Gold Ore Lure
  • Fixed 'complete the tutorial' achievement from occurring as soon as a player's first character is created. This was caused by the tutorial mission having been changed to optional, effectively marking it as complete automatically, which then triggers the achievement for it being completed

This week: New T4 Shotgun

This week introduces the new Shotgun we mentioned last week - the Trench Shotgun.

Named based off a community suggestion from last week's post, this is a Tier 4 version of the Shotgun that is crafted on the Fabricator.

This thing packs a wallop and is our highest damage per square inch of any item in close-range combat.

We’d like to thank everyone for the name suggestions. Many were very creative and have been backlogged for meta items where more personalized names are more appropriate (think ‘Bonecrusher’ or ‘extra pulpy bear juicer’).

This week: Shotgun Balance

Last week we addressed shotgun balance by reducing ammo cost and including the 3 new variants.

This week we’re continuing that rebalance to include our new Trench Shotgun - focusing on damage scaling based on the gun the ammo is shot with. This is using the same system we calculate bow and crossbow damage.

The Tier 3 Shotgun - now the number #2 in the hierarchy - has been reduced to hold 6 bullets, but with a 15% projectile damage increase per shot.

The new Tier 4 Trench Shotgun holds 8 bullets, and its projectile damage is increased by 30% over base output (so 15% higher than the Tier 3 variant).

Next Week: Batteries & Networks

Next week we’re releasing the long-awaited, hotly anticipated Batteries & Networks update. Lots and lots of testing has led us to a point where we feel comfortable with the polish and state of the system - and barring any setbacks in the next 6 days - we’ll be looking to make this next week's update.

Again, a big thank you to our dedicated testing team who have been giving us amazing feedback the last few weeks, and everyone else for being patient with us as we give this feature the proper focus it deserves.

Originally posted by author:

If you like what we’re doing with Icarus, and want to support our continued development, consider purchasing one of our DLCs for a few dollars, it would mean a lot to us.

Changelog v2.1.19.119802

New Content
[expand type=details]
  • Added text for T4 shotgun
  • Adding Item Setup for T4 Shotgun
  • Adding T4 shotgun audio and data table etnries
  • Lots of updates and fine tunes and adjustments to the T4 shotgun. Overall polish pass
  • Reduce Cured Leather requirement on T4 Shotgun
  • Updating new T4 Shotgun Name
  • Fixing FMOD not linking files correctly for the new shotgun. Fine tune to some of the audio layers

[expand type=details]
  • Added a setting to disable camera rotation when interacting with deployables
  • Fixed Honey Smoked Bacon not benefiting from Carnivore talent
  • OASIS: Fixed collection step requiring collection of a lure that is now developer locked, preventing misssion progress. Replaced with Gold Ore Lure
  • Fixed 'complete the tutorial' achievement from occuring as soon as a player's first character is created. This was caused by the tutorial mission having been changed to optional, effectively marking it as complete automatically, which then triggers the achievement for it being completed
  • Adding more layers for the T4 shotgun. Pump in and out and last pump etc

Future Content
[expand type=details]
  • Adding basic setup for flamethrower
  • Adding ghost croc attack and pre attack audio and event into
  • Mini hippo mesh randomly selects 1 of the 3 types of hippo mesh. Also switched SM variation names to match the correct variation
  • Added Inaris Sickle stats
  • Added Apex mesh for BLD_Floor_Diagonal_Stone
  • Added Apex mesh for BLD_Floor_Curved_Stone
  • Ghost croc data table setup and entries
  • Fixed Curved Building Set destruction effects
  • Adding ghost croc idle, flinch, death vocalisations and events
  • Changed carcasses feature level to development - fix build error
  • Blueback/Redback juvenile setup
  • Fixed mission objectives list for Ashlands story mission
  • Ashlands 1 mission: Update mission to use new Trail Beacons
  • Added Apex DM meshes to new Stone Curved and Diagonal Building pieces, except for the new floor pieces
  • You can now unlink current beacon by interacting with it or holding 'R'
  • Added HRB_Bramble_Thorns with all growth stages
  • Added DEP_Trough_Wood_Large, Trough_Concrete, Trough_WaterPump, Trough_Raincatcher and Trough_Luxury
  • Added functionality to spawn groups of units at a single time and mini hippos now spawns in groups of 3-5
  • Adding Icons / Blueprints / Recipes for Enzyme Cannon Hub & Arm
  • Added HRB_CocoPalm with all growth stages
  • Adding basic Setup for Enzyme Cannon Hub and Enzyme Cannon Arm
  • Small adjustment to hammerslug anim notif timing
  • Sorting assets for hammer slug various sizes for audio use. Small adjustments to timing
  • Added text for workshop sickles
  • Small adjustments to timing and selection of audio used for hammerhead slugs of various sizes
  • Hook up new building guides to building assets
  • Adding 5 food & water troughs meshes, items, recipes, icons and blueprints (if required)
  • Adding Wool and Egg items
  • Updated SM_XPlane with heavily optimized mesh plane, and added SM_Xplane_Curved for the building placement helpers
  • Increased blend value to help reduce gitter after attack animation on hippo/boar
  • Fixed accidental asset override
  • Setup additional build guide materials
  • Added additional building guide textures
  • Mini-hippos now have group behaviours where they tend to stick with the group they're spawned with
  • Added XPlane_Curved_Inverted as a building piece placement helper
  • Positioned placement helpers on curved wall and ramp pieces
  • Adding Growable Coconut Palms and Brambles, including seeds, seed packs, workshop items and growth setup
  • Adding Bramble Deployable Item Produced from gorwing Bramble Seeds, this acts like the brambles placed in world and will damage and apply a modifier to players / creatures that come in contact
  • Submitting Ghost Crocodile, carcass, bones and textures
  • Add placement helpers to curved beams, ramps and walls
  • Added shadows to beacon map elements in order to increase visibility on white backgrounds
  • Added saddle_Armored for the moa, horse, and buffalo