This is an archive of patch notes originally posted on 24 Oct 2024.


Version 2.0.10 released as stable

Posted by Sanqui on


  • Galaxy of fame. Offered when the game is finished. more[]


  • Non-blocking saving setting is no longer synced over the Steam cloud.

Minor Features

  • Added flying text for more cases of unsuccessful resource mining.


  • Fixed that blueprint book tooltips did not look correct when in the quickbar. more[]
  • Fixed that movement speed bonus equipment would show garbage values when low on energy. more[]
  • Fixed that some fluid-only recipes would allow quality modules. more[]
  • Fixed that the "kill with artillery" achievement did not work with artillery wagons. more[]
  • Fixed invalid package name in sprite path definition would result in OS error message dialog instead of loading into minimal mode. more[]
  • Fixed that continue host menu option didn't respect the port from the config. more[]
  • From now on, we wont save blueprint-storage to a file when it was not used yet. This might help preventing cloud storage file by a file representing empty blueprint storage. more[]
  • Fixed that the blueprint setup GUI would always confirm to discard changes even if nothing changed when the blueprint had a description. more[]
  • Leaked D3D device and swap chain in attempt to avoid AMD driver crash when closing the game. more[]
  • Fixed LogisticContainerControlBehavior exclusive mode could get out of sync from the ContainerControlBehavior it derives from. more[]
  • Fixed that the debug settings GUI could get stuck behind the normal game logic. more[]
  • Fixed that the elem_tooltip type of "signal" did not work correctly. more[]
  • Instead of aborting when SDL_DXGIGetOutputInfo call fails, the game will try to initialize D3D device using adapter 0. more[]
  • Fixed crashes when using LuaEntity fluid methods when the entity's fluidboxes were not part of a segment. more[]
  • Fixed that LuaEntity::insert_fluid would not work on the output FluidBoxes of a crafting machine.
  • Fixed removal of transport belts under cursor which would be normally fast-replaeable while drag traversing underground gap by belt rebuilding. more[]
  • Fixed arithmetic combinator's first constant would not be proposed as parameter. more[]
  • Fixed that on_entity_logistic_slot_changed did not fire for constant combinators. more[]
  • Fixed a crash in the space platform hub GUI when the inventory size changes at the same time as the limit is changed. more[]
  • Fixed turbo underground belts simulation in factoriopedia. more[]
  • Fixed a crash when a segmented unit entity causes the entire segmented unit to die. more[]
  • Fixed a crash when a platform was traveling to the shattered planet using a temporary stop which expired. more[]
  • Fixed fluid conditions not showing fluid amounts. more[]
  • Fixed using a custom surface in PvP was preventing Space Age progression. more[]
  • Fixed a crash when switching preferred audio output device while a variable music track is playing. more[]
  • Fixed train stop GUI being too wide at some smaller resolutions. more[]
  • Fixed driven car being drawn on all surfaces in latency. more[]
  • Fixed dying enemy would not randomize direction of its dying animation.
  • Fixed that failed achievement wasn't gettable again without restarting the game. more[]
  • Fixed a crash when defining planet prototypes that don't contain any resources. more[]
  • Fixed logistic section active state was not preserved in a blueprint string. more[]
  • Fixed a crash when showing some modded GUI tables. more[]
  • Fixed an issue where entity flagged as not mineable could be marked for deconstruction using undo.
  • Fixed pumpjacks with low yield would show 0 output rate in the tooltip. more[]
  • Fixed Nauvis elevation dropdown missing in map generator GUI, causing incorrect previews from map exchange strings. more[]
  • Fixed that it wasn't possible to parametrise virtual signals and space locations contained in text. more[]
  • Fixed brightness and contrast sliders being reset to 0 when setting the text field to a negative value. more[]
  • Fixed that it wasn't possible to parametrise entities, virtual signals and space locations contained in text. more[]