This is an archive of patch notes originally posted on 12 Mar 2024.

Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Update

Posted by Destiny 2 Dev Team on


  • Fixed an issue in Crucible where Glaives were only receiving one round from the Special ammo meter.
  • Fixed an issue where Guardian Games Supremacy and private matches were not using the Crucible sandbox updates.

Gameplay and Investment 

  • Fixed an issue where the Aurora Sacrifice armor ornament would cause surrounding environment to glow red when in third-person view.


  • Fixed an issue where Skimmers could jump up the side of walls.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game client to crash when performing tricks on Skimmers.
  • Fixed an issue where claiming the Alliance Requisitions bundle from the Seasonal tab was not showing the correct post purchase animation.
  • Fixed an issue where a player’s platform name would appear under Player Details rather than their Bungie Name.
  • Fixed an exploit that could cause crashes for other players in the area.