- A-6E TRAM, F-4F KWS LV — a bug that caused the azimuth steering line to not be visible in CCRP mode has been fixed (Report[]).
Ground Vehicles
- Pz.IV (C, E, F2, G, H) — turret rotation speed has been increased from 15°/s to 16°/s. (Report[]).
- Tetrarch I — turret rotation speed value has been increased from 16°/s to 21°/s. (Report[]).
- ZSU-57-2 — turret rotation speed value has been decreased from 60°/s to 30°/s. (Report[]).
- The [Conquest #3] Campania mission has been disabled in all game modes due to the positions of the spawn points and capture point which lead to players ignoring the capture point and confronting the enemy spawn instead.
- BattlEye anti-cheat has been enabled for Linux.