- A bug that caused the condensation effect at speeds near the speed of sound to be shifted forward, causing it to be in the c*ckpit has been fixed. (Report[]).
- A bug where the HMD interface could be displayed during camera rotations has been fixed.
- Incorrect collision of the third-person camera with objects above it has been fixed. For example, it passed through the ceiling when flying through tunnels.
- A bug where the image of the minimap outside of the playing area was stretched on the MFD has been fixed.
Ground Vehicles
- T-34 (all variants) — a bug that caused fragments to not form when the armor was penetrated at the joint of the armor plates at the upper glacis has been fixed. (Report[]).
- A bug where the range markers in the scope were stretched vertically when zoomed in has been fixed.
- A bug where the on/off setting in the Reticle Parameters section in the Sight Settings menu did not apply to the text size setting has been fixed.
- A bug where the Ready to Fire indicator in the Sight Settings menu would blink when firing autocannons has been fixed.
- A bug where some areas of water around the player’s ship were too dark has been fixed.
- A bug where the suspension element of destroyed vehicles would twitch when the terrain near them was driven over has been fixed.
- A bug where the picture could flicker when switching views if Ultra-Low Quality was enabled has been fixed.
- A bug where terrain shadows on the water looked too “harsh” has been fixed.
- A bug that caused a constant sound of flaps extending to play when attempting to extend them while flying at speeds that did not allow them to be extended has been fixed.
- A bug where the sound of jet engine nozzles moving would play intermittently in replays has been fixed.