- A bug that caused some air tutorial missions to be impossible to complete due to the lack of targets (balloons) has been fixed. (Report[]).
- Jammed weapons now take damage on jamming and are shown as damaged in X-ray view.
Ground Vehicles
- Pantsir-S1, Tor-M1, HQ17 — a bug where the camera offset from the target center was preserved when switching targets has been fixed. Now when switching targets the camera will be centered on the target.
Naval Vessels
- A bug where being destroyed in a ship while dropping mines would cause the mines to be dropped the next time the player respawned in battle has been fixed. (Report[]).
- A bug where MFD reflections in the c*ckpit glass did not match the current image on the MFD has been fixed.
- A bug where water reflections could be distorted on water quality settings at “medium” and below has been fixed.
- Seversk-13 (winter) — a bug where the ground textures could flicker has been fixed.
- A bug where the HUD in the c*ckpit was too bright when night vision was turned on, making markings in the HUD difficult to read has been fixed.
- A bug where the NVD enable key could be displayed in views where NVD activating was not available has been fixed.