This is an archive of patch notes originally posted on 12 Feb 2025.

War Thunder

Update (Battle Ratings)

Posted by War Thunder Commander on

Battle Ratings


  • Missions on the “Moscow” location have been re-enabled in Air Realistic Battles.
  • A-5C — has been moved to Rank VII.
  • F-111C — GBU-15(V)1/B has been added, additional wing pylons for AIM-9L have been added.
  • F-16A OCU — helmet mounted display has been added.
  • Me 262 A-1/U4 — gun dispersion has been reduced.
  • F-4C — the AIM-9B and AIM-9E modifications have been moved to tiers I and II in modification research.
  • F-14A Early — the AIM-9D modification has been removed (Research Points and Golden Eagles will be compensated). AIM-9D missiles can now be used without researching any modifications. The AIM-9G and AIM-9H modifications have been moved to tiers I and II in modification research respectively.
  • F-5A(G) — the modification positions in the tree have been changed. The Flares/Chaff modification has been moved to tier I in modification research.

Ground Vehicles

  • Improved Chaparral, Antelope, Type 81 (C) — the NVD modification has been moved from tier IV to tier II in modification research.
  • Improved Chaparral (Israel) — the MIM-72G modification has been moved from tier IV to tier III in modification research.
Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service[], forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.