This is an archive of patch notes originally posted on 15 Jun 2023.

V Rising

Secrets of Gloomrot Hotfix #8

Posted by SLS_Jeremy on

Hello, Vampires!

This is a patch to revert a change from the last hotfix that caused more trouble than it solved.

This hotfix, set to be launched shortly, contains the following changes:

  • Reverted a fix that prevented some AoE casts from being able to hit through floors. We will be implementing a more robust fix for this in the future.

We're always grateful for your help in translating the game at

IMPORTANT NOTE! Please report any issues you encounter after this patch here[]. We're actively updating our known issues list with temporary fixes here[].

ADDITIONAL REMINDER! Regularly back up your server saves!
Here's how to do it[].

See you in the dark corners of Vardoran, fellow Vampires!

//The V Rising Development Team