UPDATE 3.1.0
Let’s get Dressed to Deploy in The Arena with our first store rotation and update of Season 3! We’re heading full sprint into summer and there’s a green theme in the store - from the Jaded, But Not Jaded set to the Midsummer Maypole!
The Midsummer Maypole is free to claim for the coming week, so make sure to do so!
Here is the new store update:
We’re also bringing some balance changes and stability increases.
Let’s get into the notes!
Balance Changes
Sonar Grenades
- Decreased range from 15m to 12m
- Decreased damage from 52 to 48
- Decreased damage from 63 to 60
- Decreased damage from 15 to 5
Content and Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Fixed a server crash related to certain types of destruction
Game modes
Unranked Terminal Attack
- The mode now randomly selects the starting player and objective spawn scenario, proceeding through the sequence of scenarios from that point