Swapping around Relics, gathering Love letters and getting ready to show your combat mastery... busy week!
Easily swap between your setups!
Relics have become a staple of your day-to-day adventures since the launch of Archaeology and today we introduce a commonly requested Quality of Life update: Relic Presets!
You can now create up to four customized loadouts for your Relics and swap between them instantly while at the Monolith (or a Bank, with the Archaeology Cape). You will unlock your first two presets upon completion of the tutorial, then an additional loadout tab can be purchased from the Archaeology Guild Shop for 80,000 Chronotes, once you have the Professor qualification.
The last preset is acquired by completing the Guildmaster qualification.
Additionally, switching the active loadout only costs 80% of the Chronote cost of each Relic harnessed to that loadout, saving you 20% of the cost when you swap between your most commonly used sets! If a Relic is harnessed to both your active loadout and the one you wish to change to, the Chronote cost of this Relic is also deducted from the loadout activation cost.
One week to go!
Combat Mastery Achievements are just around the corner, dropping next week on February 17th.
If you want to get started, here's an exhaustive list of the achievements that you can complete ahead of launch!
Click to open a table of 156 Achievements
Achievement Name | Achievement Description |
Something Barrowed III | Defeat the six Barrows Brothers and loot their chest. (0/25) |
eLeMeNtAl kIlL cHaOs III | Defeat the Chaos Elemental. (0/25) |
Dagannoth For Everyone III | Defeat any of the Dagannoth Kings. (0/25) |
A Slippery Slope II | Defeat the Arch-Glacor. (0/10) |
Whack a Mole II | Defeat the Giant Mole in hard mode. (0/10) |
Bug Swatter III | Defeat the Kalphite Queen. (0/25) |
Three Heads Are Deader Than One II | Defeat the King Black Dragon. (0/10) |
Mole Removal III | Defeat the Giant Mole. (0/25) |
Hail to the Queen | Defeat the Kalphite Queen solo after defeating two Kalphite Guardians. |
Naturist | Allow the Chaos Elemental's 'Madness' attack to unequip something you're wearing five times. (0/5) |
Spirit War II | Defeat Hermod, the Spirit of War. (0/10) |
This Helwyr In II | Defeat Helwyr. (0/10) |
Gregorgeous II | Defeat Gregorovic. (0/10) |
Corporeal Punishment III | Defeat the Corporeal Beast. (0/25) |
Hydra Halitosis | Defeat the Crassian Leviathan without ever being stunned. |
Living On a Prayer Switch II | Defeat TzTok-Jad. (0/10) |
General Mayhem III | Defeat General Graardor. (0/25) |
Bird is the Word III | Defeat Kree'arra. (0/25) |
Kill K'ril III | Defeat K'ril Tsutsaroth. (0/25) |
Descension II | Defeat any of the Ascension Legiones. (0/10) |
All Aboard | Defeat Kree'arra, solo, after allowing him to push you from one wall to another with his 'Ranged Tornado' and 'Magic Tornado' attacks. |
Double Swoop | Defeat Kree'arra solo after defeating all of his lieutenants twice. |
Floor is Larval | Defeat Queen Black Dragon after killing 30 grotworms during the fight. |
Glutton for Punishment | Get the Corporeal Beast to devour a variety of delicious familiars. Can only be completed in a solo instance. |
K'ril Will Be Done | Defeat K'ril Tsutsaroth, solo, after he uses his 'Prayer Destruction' attack 3 times. |
Safety Dance | Avoid being damaged by twenty of the Queen Black Dragon's fire waves without defeat. |
They All Fell Down | Defeat the Dagannoth Kings solo, all within 5 seconds of each other. |
Through the Fire and Flames | Defeat the Queen Black Dragon with a royal crossbow. |
Loot Pinata II | Defeat the Queen Black Dragon. (0/10) |
I Came In Like a Rex-ing Ball II | Defeat any of the Rex Matriarchs. (0/10) |
Fast and Furious II | Defeat Avaryss and Nymora. (0/10) |
Vindictive and Vexatious II | Defeat Vindicta and Gorvek. (0/10) |
Zilly Way To Die III | Defeat Commander Zilyana. (0/25) |
Along Came a Spider III | Defeat Araxxi. (0/25) |
Crabtivating II | Defeat the Sanctum Guardian. (0/10) |
Masuta Master II | Defeat Masuta the Ascended. (0/10) |
Slay-ryu II | Defeat Seiryu the Azure Serpent. (0/10) |
Besting the Celestial II | Defeat Astellarn the First Celestial. (0/10) |
Superiority Complex II | Defeat Verak Lith. (0/10) |
Whack Stone Dragon II | Defeat the Black Stone Dragon. (0/10) |
Denied the Hydra II | Defeat the Crassian Leviathan. (0/10) |
Reset To Phylactery Settings II | Defeat Taraket the Necromancer. (0/10) |
Ambassador No Maw II | Defeat the Ambassador. (0/10) |
Harassing the Crassian | Defeat the Crassian Leviathan after allowing it to fully regenerate from below half health. |
Get Shredded | Defeat the Crassian Leviathan after taking at least 30,000 damage from its sweep attack. |
Sinister Crystal | Defeat Taraket the Necromancer while the corpse carrier is still alive. |
Dextrous Crystal | Defeat Taraket the Necromancer while the bloated monstrosity is still alive. |
Unworthy Dead | Kill 15 summoned skeletons within 6 seconds during the encounter with Taraket the Necromancer. |
Outflanked 'em in the Sanctum | Defeat the Sanctum Guardian without anyone taking any damage from her 'Black Stone Flames' attack. |
Crassian en Masse | Defeat the Sanctum Guardian with exactly 10 crassians still alive when she dies. |
Here is my Handle | Defeat the Sanctum Guardian after being hit by her 'Water Spout' 10 times. |
Swift as the Coursing River | Defeat Masuta the Ascended with 65% of the calm waters effect or more. |
Force of a Great Typhoon | Defeat Masuta the Ascended without any stacks of the calm waters effect. |
Arc Reactor | Defeat Seiryu without anyone taking damage from his 'Black Stone Tendrils' attack. |
Strength of a Raging Fire | Defeat Masuta the Ascended with at least 7 thrashing waters still remaining. |
Malignant Enigmas | Defeat 18 shadow enigmas in 6 seconds. |
Dragonhide Infanticide | Defeat Verak Lith while ensuring every ricocheted attack is absorbed and dispersed into a pile of eggs. |
Broodmother | Defeat Verak Lith without anyone dispersing their damage into a pile of eggs. |
Not a Moth | Defeat the Black Stone Dragon without being hit by her 'Shadowfire' attacks. |
Four in Hand | During the Black Stone Dragon fight, defeat all 4 black hands, within 10 seconds after defeating the first. |
We Will Fight in the Shade | Defeat Astellarn the First Celestial without your group taking more than 10,000 damage from her 'Celestial Rain' attack. |
Time Flies III | Defeat Kerapac, the bound. (0/25) |
Zemouregal and Vorkath III | Defeat Zemouregal and Vorkath. (0/25) |
Hardly a Challenge II | Defeat the Har-Aken. (0/10) |
Snowfall III | Defeat the Arch-Glacor in hard mode. (0/25) |
General Disaster III | Defeat General Graardor in hard mode. (0/25) |
Gregore-y III | Defeat Gregorovic in hard mode. (0/25) |
Hel in a Handbasket III | Defeat Helwyr in hard mode. (0/25) |
Birdstrike III | Defeat Kree'arra in hard mode. (0/25) |
Kill K'ril Vol 2 III | Defeat K'ril Tsutsaroth in hard mode. (0/25) |
More Fast More Furious III | Defeat Avaryss and Nymora in hard mode. (0/25) |
Vindictive III | Defeat Vindicta and Gorvek in hard mode. (0/25) |
Zillier Way To Die III | Defeat Commander Zilyana in hard mode. (0/25) |
Bug Zapper III | Defeat the Kalphite King. (0/25) |
Crossing Over III | Defeat the Magister. (0/25) |
Brass Nex III | Defeat Nex. (0/25) |
Burn, Fury, Burn | Defeat the Twin Furies solo without dealing damage during their channeled bomb attack. |
Brothers in More Arms | Defeat Rise of the Six on six different occasions, leaving a different brother to last. |
Classic Dragon Killing | Defeat Vindicta & Gorvek solo whilst having a charged dragonfire shield equipped. |
If I Could Turn Back Time... I Wouldn't | Defeat Kerapac, the bound without using the 'Warp Time' action ability. |
Can't Touch This | Defeat Kerapac, the bound without getting hit by his 'Lightning Strike' attack. |
Extinction Event | Defeat the Rex Matriarchs, Pthentraken, Orikalka, and Rathis solo, all within 5 seconds of each other. |
Good Enough for a Goblin | Defeat Corporeal Beast using only a bronze spear. Can only be completed in a solo instance. |
I Got This | Defeat each of the six Legiones consecutively without leaving the Ascension dungeon. |
In the Spirit of Things | Defeat Gregorovic solo without dealing any damage to his spirits. |
Matricide | Defeat Nex while accompanied by each of the nihil followers. |
Never Eat Silk Worms | Defeat the Kalphite King after being charged to each side of the arena. |
Stand Your Ground | Defeat each of the six Legiones without anyone moving. |
Sunshine Through the Rain | Defeat Commander Zilyana in hard mode, solo, whilst under the effects of her 'Lightning' attack and the 'Sunshine' ability. |
Wolf Pack | Defeat Helwyr solo whilst there are 4 Cywir Alphas still alive. |
Where's my Dark Bow? II | Defeat Kezalam, the Wanderer. (0/10) |
No-more-mancer III | Defeat Rasial, the First Necromancer. (0/25) |
Barrowed Power III | Defeat the empowered Barrows Brothers. (0/25) |
Weave Come So Far 100 | Defeat Araxxi at 100% enrage. |
A Quest for Understanding | Defeat Astellarn the First Celestial while at least two pulsars are still active. |
Next to No Power | Defeat Nex without the use of prayers by anyone in the group. |
You Really Zuk II | Defeat TzKal-Zuk in hard mode. (0/10) |
Lumbridge Strikes Back | Defeat Araxxor and Araxxi whilst wearing bronze armour on your head, torso and legs, and a bronze weapon in your main hand. Can only be completed in solo mode. |
Master of Beatings II | Defeat Beastmaster Durzag. (0/10) |
Come And Have Vorago II | Defeat Vorago, if you think you're hard enough. (0/10) |
Telos Where It Hurts III | Defeat Telos, the Warden. (0/25) |
You Zuk II | Defeat TzKal-Zuk. (0/10) |
Coursing Through You | Defeat Telos, the Warden at 100% or higher enrage after taking the full damage of the virus in phase 5. |
Happy Trails | Defeat the Ambassador without anyone taking any damage from his 'Black Stone Flames' attack. |
A Song of Ice and Ire IV | Defeat the Arch-Glacor at 500% enrage. (0/500) |
Make Way, I'm Coming Through | Defeat TzKal-Zuk in a single run after completing all of his challenges. |
Crawfish Boil | Disintegrate 12 Crassian ritual keepers simultaneously during the Ambassador encounter. |
Zamo-whacked III | Defeat Zamorak, Lord of Chaos (0/25) |
Telos If You're Angry IV | Defeat Telos, the Warden at 500% enrage. (0/500) |
Stuffed with Anima | Defeat Telos, the Warden at 100% or higher enrage after letting him reach a full anima bar in all 5 phases. |
Wood Kill Again III | Defeat Solak, Guardian of the Grove. (0/25) |
Definitely Can't Touch This | Defeat Kerapac, the bound in hard mode without being hit by his 'Lightning Strike' attack. |
Here We Rago Again II | Defeat Vorago in hard mode. (0/10) |
If I Could Turn Back Time... I Definitely Wouldn't | Defeat Kerapac, the bound in hard mode without using the 'Warp Time' action ability. |
Should've Wandered Somewhere Else II | Defeat Kezalam, the Wanderer in hard mode. (0/10) |
Instability Never Phased Me | Defeat the Ambassador after allowing 4 unstable black holes to explode. |
Inner what? | Defeat Raksha, the Shadow Colossus, solo without activating 'Inner power'. |
Ex-Ex-Dragon III | Defeat Zemouregal and Vorkath in hard mode. (0/25) |
Best Offence | Defeat the Kalphite King after triggering his Immortality and then defeat him again. |
Clenched | Defeat the Ambassador without destroying any sinister fragments. |
Tank and Spank | Defeat Taraket the Necromancer while both the bloated monstrosity and corpse carrier are still alive. |
Nex Pls III | Defeat Nex, the Angel of Death. (0/25) |
Get Your Heads in the Game II | Defeat Vermyx, Brood Mother in hard mode. (0/10) |
Attack of the Clones III | Defeat Kerapac, the bound in hard mode. (0/25) |
Are You Winning, Zam? IV | Defeat Zamorak, Lord of Chaos solo at 500% enrage. (0/500) |
Ju-raksha Park III | Defeat Raksha, the Shadow Colossus. (0/25) |
The Ultimate Tank Test | Defeat Kerapac, the bound in hard mode without entering an echo's time thread. |
Weave Come So Far 200 | Defeat Araxxi at 200% enrage. |
Finish Him! | Defeat Vorago by personally using the Maul of Omens. |
Splittin' Souls and Smashin' Skulls II | Defeat Nakatra, Devourer Eternal in hard mode. (0/10) |
Yak and Ruin II | Defeat Yakamaru. (0/10) |
Conqueror of Chaos | Complete a full run of The Zamorakian undercity and defeat Zamorak. (0/1) |
Day at the Pound | Defeat Beastmaster Durzag without opening any of the charger cages in the arena walls. |
Cormes and Goes | Defeat Beastmaster Durzag without killing Cormes. |
Animal Cruelty | Defeat Beastmaster Durzag after having him deal the killing blow to Tuz and Krar. |
Prison Riot | Defeat Beastmaster Durzag with at least one goebie surviving the encounter. |
Gong Maintenance Expert | Defeat Beastmaster Durzag after repairing all gongs but not ringing them. |
Day at the Aquarium | Defeat Yakamaru with one durable jellyfish and one reflecting jellyfish still alive. |
Make Friends and Influence People | Defeat Yakamaru after using the 'Asphyxiate' ability on the north pool and your group survive. |
All Together Now | Defeat Yakamaru after defeating all four images of Yakamaru within 10s of each other. |
Rewind | Defeater Yakamaru after defeating all of its images and then allowing it to consume a durable jellyfish. |
Lord of Chaos | Defeat Zamorak, Lord of Chaos at 500% enrage. |
Better Not Touch | Defeat Yakamaru with all but one member of the raid still poisoned. |
Ultra Instinct | Defeat Raksha, the Shadow Colossus solo without letting him gain any shadow energy. |
Scenario 7 | Defeat Raksha, the Shadow Colossus solo after letting him reach 100% shadow energy in phase 1. |
Classic Rock | Defeat Vorago without using any defensive abilities. |
Hungry Hungry Reavers | Defeat Nex, Angel of Death in a team size of 7 or fewer without anyone damaging any of the blood reavers. |
Weave Come So Far 300 | Defeat Araxxi at 300% enrage. |
A Song of Ice and Ire VII | Defeat the Arch-Glacor at 2,000% enrage. |
Lord of Chaos (Silver) | Defeat Zamorak, Lord of Chaos at 2,000% enrage. |
Are You Winning, Zam? VII | Defeat Zamorak, Lord of Chaos solo at 2,000% enrage. |
Telos If You're Angry VII | Defeat Telos, the Warden at 2,000% enrage. |
The True Iceborn | Defeat the Arch-Glacor at 4,000% enrage. |
Lord of Chaos (Gold) | Defeat Zamorak, Lord of Chaos at 4,000% enrage. |
Wrath of Chaos | Defeat Zamorak, Lord of Chaos solo at 4,000% enrage. |
The True Warden | Defeat Telos, the Warden at 4,000% enrage. |
Fixes and Improvements in this Week's Game Update
February Hitlist Strike
- Archaeology Relics can now be harnessed to two loadouts with three Relics each.
- To maintain a sink for Chronotes, switching the active loadout costs 80% of the Chronote cost of each Relic harnessed to that loadout.
- If a relic is harnessed to both the selected and active loadout, the Chronote cost of this Relic is also deducted from the loadout activation cost.
- An additional loadout tab can be purchased from the Archaeology Guild Shop for 80,000 Chronotes, requiring the Professor qualification. (Added to The Prodigal Spender achievement.)
- An additional loadout tab is awarded for completing the Guildmaster qualification. (Added to the Guildmaster qualification certificate.)
- Reduced the durability of orichalcite and drakolith Mining rocks.
- The player will now spawn in tall grass when starting a round of Big Game Hunter.
- A Last Contact option has been added to the NPC Contact spell.
- The displayed hatchet when Woodcutting now matches the hatchet stored in the tool belt.
- Renamed bird nests to match the naming on the RS Wiki, which more accurately describes the contents of the nest.
- Bird nests are now included on the output for the Inspect option of the Woodbox.
- The Grand Exchange buy limit for Masterwork Bows is now consistent with other masterwork weapons.
- The unbearable sleuth of 18 grizzly bears near the Legends' Guild has been halved to the simple bear necessities.
- Players no longer receive damage from Kerapac, the bound after he has been defeated.
- Minor update to Zamorak Bow, Guthix Bow, and Saradomin Bow. The special attack animation is now displayed correctly.
- Frog repellent no longer causes a crash when used at specific location.
- Blocking has been added to various fires. No more standing in the fire!
- Players should no longer receive a message stating that they've skipped a clue step when they're about to receive their casket.
- The Clan Cloak's fealty experience reward now gives the correct amount of Invention experience.
- Living Rock Protectors, Strikers and Patriarchs now count towards Kili's Knowledge VI as a slayer task.
- Corrected the messaging upon hitting level 99 that you've reached the max level in that skill for skills that reach 110 or 120.
Love 'em or Hate 'em!
Love is in the air! From February 13th until February 17th you will be able to find enigmatic romancers hanging around lodestones and searching for Love Letters.
Players will find Love Letters periodically while adventuring in Gielinor or from the Gifts from the Heart Treasure Hunter promotion. Once you have a letter you can hand it over to the Light or Dark Romancers for 1 of the following rewards :
- 20% XP Boost for 5 mins (up to 60 mins max)
- 25% Bonus XP Burn Boost for 5 mins (up to 60 mins max)
- 250 Heartments
Handing in letters will also give progress towards unique titles, "the Lover" from the Light Romancers and "the Hater" from the Dark Romancers. Each title has three colour variants, so keep handing in those letters!
Letters can also be torn up to earn a 5% XP boost for 5 minutes (up to 60 minutes max) for the player and anyone who in the vicinity. When the event has wrapped up you will no longer be able to hand over the letters - but you can still tear them up!
Heartment Store
The Heartment Store makes a return this year with Valentines-themed awards from previous events such as the Rose Petal Aura, Rosie the dog and Cherry Blossom overrides.
What's up next?
Starts February 13th | Ends February 17th | Gifts from the Heart
Gifts from the Heart is back, filled to the brim with new rewards:
1 / 8 2 / 8 3 / 8 4 / 8 5 / 8 6 / 8 7 / 8 8 / 8 ❮ ❯Dapper suits and fanciful dresses themed around the light and dark romancers! New themed White and Red Rose trails! And adorable new furry friends!
Unlock these rewards by spending keys and traveling the prize path. Each award is unlocked after a set number of keys are spent!
Follow the paths and unlock more and more prizes along the track! Heartments can also be earned in this promotion, but are no longer needed to earn bonus multipliers.
The latest updates from our community
Community Showcase
Pink Skirts Player Events
Each week the Pink Skirts put on a selection of fun activities that everyone can join. Here are the main events this week:
Non-Combat Stealing Creation
- When: Sunday February 16th, 22:00 Gametime
- Who: Jordyre & Fast Sc
- Where: Gamer's Grotto
- World: 99
- FC: Fast Sc
Trivia Game
- When: Sunday February 16th, 21:00 Gametime
- Who: and Mrs Caitlyn, Dynameis & Iron Ravens Clan
- Where: Port Sarim Loadstone
- World: 70
Nex - Angel of Death Learner
- When: Thursday February 13th, 07:30 Gametime
- Who: and Evenstar8888, Naughty Nubs & Discord Mentors
- Where: Nex lobby (Ancient Prison)
- World: 258
- FC: Naughtynub
If these don't take your fancy, take a look at the full events schedule here. Theres sure to be something youll enjoy!
Community Spotlight
Clan open house!
Join the RuneScape Discord Server for the Clan Open House! Multiple RuneScape clans are hosting community events all this week. Check the calendar below for more details and come check out some awesome clans! All participants have a chance of winning a Bond.
Special thanks goes to Astral Turtles, Deeps 4 Geeps, Hidden Elements, Iron Ravens, Myriad, Naughty Nubs, TCA, TKOE, Zer0 PvM.
Boss Guild
Boss Guild are a learner-friendly PvM community that hosts daily boss masses and events, along with teamfinding and forming. Join them for Crush Their Hearts, a fun packed Valentines event, as they take on queens, kings, and so much more!
Friend's Chat: Boss Guild
Discord: Discord.gg/bossguild
Schedule (Game Time):
- Monday February 10th
- 09:00-11:00 - Regular Nex
- 12:00-15:00 - Helwyr
- 15:00-19:00 - HM God Wars Dungeon 1 Tour
- 20:00-21:00 - Arch-Glacor
- Tuesday February 11th
- 09:00-11:00 - Regular Nex
- 12:00-15:00 - Arch-Glacor
- 16:00-18:00 - Angel Of Death
- 20:00-21:00 - Vindicta
- Wednesday February 12th
- 09:00-11:00 - Corporeal Beast
- 16:00-18:00 - Regular Nex
- 21:00-22:00 - Rex Matriarchs
- Thursday February 13th
- 09:00-11:00 - Corporeal Beast
- 16:00-18:00 - Regular Nex
- 20:00-21:00 - Kalphite King
- Friday February 14th
- 09:00-11:00 - Regular Nex
- 16:00-18:00 - Angel Of Death
- 20:00-21:00 - Angel Of Death
- 21:15-22:30 - Vorago
- Saturday February 15th
- 09:00-11:00 - Arch-Glacor
- 13:30-15:30 - Dagannoth Kings
- 15:40-17:40 - Rex Matriarchs
- 17:45-19:45 - Osseous
- 20:00-21:00 - Angel Of Death
- 21:15-22:15 - Mega Duck
- Sunday February 16th
- 09:00-11:00 - Regular Nex
- 12:00-15:00 - Arch-Glacor
- 15:30-19:30 - God Wars Dungeon 2 Tour
- 20:00-21:00 - Regular Nex
- The RuneScape Team
Mods Astar, Alex, Azanna, Bak, Balkan, Bam, Blkwitch, Boko, Brat, Breezy, Brig, Camel, Colibri, Chaose, Dark, Daze, Desert, Dorn, Dragon, Drew, Drewid, Easty, Echo, Fallen, Forza, Fowl, Fox, Frosch, Grace, Gunner, Helen, Hooli, Ink, Jack, Keyser, Kitsune, Kristy, Luma, Lunatear, Lykos, Lynx, Makkari, MIC, Mickey, Morty, Muse, Nemo, Neong, Nixon, Noms, Pearce, Pebble, Phoenix, Pigeon, Rain, Raiwtch, Ramen, Rowley, Ryan, Samy, Sakura, Shrew, Shrike, Skyefall, Soul, Sponge, Spyro, Stead, Stu, Sukotto, Taelae, Tiger, Timbo, Titus, Toebeans, Tri, Vegard, Volta, Who, Wov, Yuey & Zura