This is an archive of patch notes originally posted on 07 Aug 2024.


Changelog for Hotfix #16

Posted by CoolUsernameBro on

Version number: 558123

  • Fixed the issue with the mysteriously vanishing weapons. In melee combat, spamming the drinking potion action while attacking could result in the drinking action being applied to the wrong item if done at a very precise moment. Essentially, the player “drank” their own weapon. Big gulp. The issue was introduced when we worked on improving the timing of switching between attacks and drinking potions. Making games is hard and this is just one example. Keep following our patch notes for more exciting game dev stories!!
  • Note that unfortunately weapons that disappeared this way have been thoroughly digested and are gone. We're sorry about that.
  • Fixed a temple at the border between Nomad Highlands and Kindlewastes that was buried by a landslide. You should now be able to walk its halls without having to excavate them first.
  • Fixed a non-interactive grapple hook anchor in the Nomad Highlands Hollow Halls.
  • Fixed that the game could freeze up when swinging with the grappling hook in the settlement Willow Crush and potentially in other locations.